Drop-In Writing Workshop

Write your awesome label here.


10:30 am -
12:30 pm




Harvey Milk Recreational Arts Center
50 Scott Street, San Francisco

Drop-In Writing Workshop

Get expert feedback on something you've been struggling with, a prompt for generating new work and valuable critique in a warm, friendly environment.

Suitable for writers working on poetry, fiction and memoir.

In this self-contained writer's workshop, we will generate short new writing for feedback based on a prompt for developing and sharing.

You'll leave having written something new and gain some new perspective.

Additionally the workshop will offer serious, close critique of written pieces participants have previously prepared for class.

The tone of this class is congenial and fun but we're also very serious about good writing and good writing practices.

 We'll have a ten-minute break in between.

Join us for one class or sign up for all of them! All levels welcome.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Kim Shuck

Kim Shuck is an award-winning poet, author, weaver, and member of Cherokee Nation. As the solo author of 12 books, Shuck's latest publication is Pick a Garnet to Sleep In. Kim was the 7th Poet Laureate of San Francisco. She holds a BA in Art and an MFA in Textiles from San Francisco State University. Shuck was named an Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellow. Shuck won the Diane Decorah First Book Award and the Mary Tallmountain Award for her literary contributions.

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